All development projects assemble a team of consultants from the very beginning but rarely include an attorney until later in the process. We have seen time and again the risk of this approach: The consultant is often caught between the opinions of applicant’s counsel and public agency counsel- often requiring expensive change orders - that then frustrate applicant and public agency staff. Having represented developers and public agencies, Grid’s attorneys appreciate the importance of making the project the client, so if the project or analysis is challenged, the administrative record is defensible.
In addition to advising project applicants and public agencies, Grid’s attorneys work with consultant agencies to provide legal opinion, analysis and advisory expertise. Either on retainer or as a line item of project proposals, we will work with you to provide efficient, comprehensive, and economically feasible services. As a consultant, you benefit by having an attorney on speed dial and as the project applicant, you benefit by having the consultant and attorney vet issues at a reduced rate, at fewer billable hours.
We provide the following services to real estate agents, brokers, project consultants and attorneys: